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New iOS app submitted to Apple and awaiting approval

Hi Leurne, Matt is correct, if you just fill out that form I can add you to the pre-release. The iOS app is taking longer than expected and each time we submit a tweak to get it approved, iTunes usually takes about 2 weeks to get back to us. In the meantime, the best thing to do is fill out that form and I will add you manually. Thanks.

iOS Beta Feedback

Hi All - I appreciate the opportunity to beta test the new app. I wanted to give my feedback here to help for future development.

  • The aesthetic of the app is vastly improved - I really like that.
  • the side menu is also much nicer than before

Aside from these improvements, I’ve noticed that there are many features that are either missing or I cannot find:

  • No way to view courses
  • No way to save vocabulary words
  • Sentences cannot be “broken down” and individual words cannot be saved. This is a crucial feature - being able to bookmark and later review specific words is very important.
  • No way to view all downloaded/bookmarked content at once. Rather, it must be viewed by level. (Not a big deal, but it makes sense to have a tab of bookmarked or downloaded lessons)
  • Cannot do a flash card review of vocabulary words, a really helpful feature.
  • When reviewing dialog from a lesson, all line translations must be revealed at once, rather than being able to do so line by line. This exposes pinyin/translations of lines that you may not have read yet and forces you to scroll up and down constantly to touch the eye-icon.
  • Audio can no longer be looped.

Thanks again for an opportunity to beta test the app and let me know if I’ve missed anything regarding these features.

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Totally agree with the idea in the previews message.
I would like to add few more :

  • no download manager (should wait to finish one download before to start another one)
  • no access of the exercice (that was a features that I really hope to see)

I have some bug also with the lesson which is download. They appear download but when I tried to listen it, I can’t. I get a message that there is no audio lesson… Some few bugs like that.

otherwise great job!!

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I also agree to the previous messages.
I would lie to suggest one small feature:

When lessons are downloaded, the texts / vocabulary should be automatically downloaded as well. Otherwise, being on the plane, subway, etc., one can only listen to the lessons, but doesn’t have vocab and dialogue.

The app itself so far is a vast improvement! Congrats!

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I’ve been using the new iOS app for a little while now. It’s a nice redesign from the previous (though because I signed up for ChinesePod not long ago, I did not spend much time with it in the first place). Though I have a few pieces of feedback for it:

  • I was not sure how to play the lesson. Playing the lesson is buried in the bottom left floating icon, and then the icon for playing the lesson is a microphone? Should it not be a speaker, since you are listening to the lesson through your phone? May have just been my sillyness not being able to figure it out but I’ll assume I’m not the only one :confused:
  • The app is designed literally like an Android app. I cannot see this being positive in Apple’s eyes, and having been through the review process myself a few times, I can say they really care about design. And when it looks like it was made for a competitor’s platforms, I can’t see them being happy about it. Try to use a little less Android theming and a little more iOS :smile:
  • Just curious: what does the time represent in the “about” section?

Overall the redesign is great. The animations are pretty good (not too intense) and I enjoy having all of the ChinesePod functionality that I need. Good work, all.

Is the new iOS app out yet? I am using 2.16.

My beta test version is now expired… ???

Any news about the new version?
And why my beta version expired? I filled again the form but no answer…?

I will have a good at re-inviting you.

Yes please! I don’t know why but on the previous version, when i’m connected to the car, the sound quality is really bad (while when I listen with a hearphones, there is no problem). And with the new one, as we can selected the sound quality, then it’s better ^^

EDIT : I sent my request few days, I think you just need to validate it :blush:


Using the iOS app reviewing some old lessons. Trying to play any episode from the Pinyin program crashes the app completely (‘Full Lesson’). When I click ‘Dialogue’ or ‘Vocabulary Review’ it also just says “No audio for this lesson”.

Lost in translation, I guess.

Hi Gwilym,

Would you please re-invite me also. I haven’t found my invitation email yet.

Can you check 1.your inbox, and/or 2 your testflight app please. I just re-invited you.

Hi @leurne, did you get successfully get the re-invite?

Yes :smile: I waited the email as before but when I check in TestFlight, the time was extended

Hey Gwilym!
Do we have some news about the update? And do you think you could include all the comments from the user?

Getting on the app store is proving difficult due to some small issues with the in-app payment method. The good news is that we have a full time developer on board who is working hard on the next version of the app which will come out some time in the New Year. In the meantime, you can continue using the current beta version that we have on TestFlight.

Can you please fix the old app to work with iOS9 until such time as the new app is ready. Thanks

Are the loads of crashes that occur in the app going to be fixed soon? Maybe through a TestFlight beta update? Sorry to sound like a complainer, though half of the lessons I try to watch simply crash the app. Apple won’t be very happy with that :no_mouth:

I filled the form but I don’t understand how to download the Beta version. I wrote “chinesepod” in the App Store - but nothing came out… )-:
I have iOS7 - is it suitable for the new App?
