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Skritter replacement

ChinesePod used to be linked to Skritter so that learners could practise writing characters from their vocabulary lists right here in ChinesePod. This is a feature I really miss. How is the progress going for a ChinesePod-developed replacement for Skritter on this site?


Yes, Dorothy, that’s an important question. I asked for it several month ago and I am curious to the replacement. I really miss the opportunity to practise writing characters. So I hope the team will answer your question and that Skritter will be replaced very soon.

Hi Dorothy, thanks for your question and feedback! We will check on the writing function’s development and get back to you as soon as possible.

Any update on writing practice?

Here is the back and forth between CPod and some loyal users from the lesson comments section almost exactly one year now since we were told that the reason you can’t access the writing practice any more is because they are working on their own software to replace the “Skritter Lite” part of the lessons.
hester4853: But I have a question: as a Premium subscriber I was able to use the Skritter feature for practicing my writing on the Chinese Pod lessonpage: a button beneath the vocabulary list was available. When I clicked that button, I was able to practice my writing (the order of the strokes etc.)Now I can’t do that anymore, because the button disappeared. (in all former lessons as well).Do other Premium subscribers have the same problem? Will this button be back again? I really miss this opportunity!

June 9, 2018 from Web

hester4853 June 10, 2018
But what about the opportunity to practice to write the new chinese characters of a lesson on the Chinese Pod lesson page: formerly a button beneath the vocabulary list was available. But now it disappeared, as I allready mentioned above. Can you please answer this question as well?

Grace (ChinesePod, June 10, 2018) Hello hester4853, we are currently trying to create our own software to practice Chinese characters that is why that option isn’t available at the moment. Sorry for the momentary set back.

Us: According to Cpod’s answer to a user on the Forum the reason you can’t access the writing practice any more is because they are working on their own software to replace the “Skritter Lite” part of the lessons.

Grace: 是的!We are working on our own, woot woot!

Grace: Hello hester4853, we are currently trying to create our own software to practice Chinese characters that is why that option isn’t available at the moment. Sorry for the momentary set back.

hester4853 OK, thanks for you answer. I can’t wait that the creation of your own software to practice Chinese characters will be done. I miss the opportunity. But I am glad to know the reason why the “Skritter button” disappeared. Good luck with al the developments.

Hi Grace, a very good morning! More than a year ago I asked Chinese Pod about Skritter, because I really miss the tool to practice the correct way of writing Chinese characters. Grace Wong answered that ChinesePod cannot use Skritter any longer, but that ChinesePod is developing its own tool. I am curious when this will happen, because as a Premium member of Chinese Pod I would like to have the opportunity to practice writing Chinese characters. Not only because of the correct order of the dashes, but also because I then gain insight into the meaning and structure of the various characters with compound characters. In short, it also helps me remember the Chinese characters.

Hi hester,

Sorry for the late response. Now we’re setting up a new website. In the “vocabulary” section, there are demonstrations of each word now. Take a look at it. And if you have any suggestion about this part or about our new website, please click the link below and leave them down:
