I arrived in Taiwan in 1989 and have lived her, for the most part, ever since.
After all these years I speak Chinese well enough to act as an English-Chinese Translator for the local police and court on occasion. However, as my Chinese has improved over the years I have come to the realization that to get true near-native competency I have to become literate. My current goal is to read and write as well in Chinese as I do in English.
Currently I’m completing a few Elementary Chinese Pod lessons each day, focusing on the written exercise/test with a goal of 95% score before moving on to the next one.
Previously I focused on lessons that broadened or challenged my listening ability, but found I was not up to completing that reading level. I could never find a classroom environment that met my mixed level needs. Focusing on the basics of reading with the aid of Chinese Pod is helping me so much.
I hope to be reading at the intermediate level soon and then eventually to get into a university level program to become a licensed translator/interpetor.
One has to set a goal right? Might as well make it a high one.
Chinese Pod thanks for the inspiration!!!