After thinking about this a bit more, a possible way to set this up would be using a shared forum account. Someone (read Gwilym) would be responsible for emailing the password to whoever posted on here indicating they were interested. Forum login is obviously linked to the ChinesePod account and log-in system, but I am assuming the Discourse software could also allow a manual log-in screen to work in parallel. With the password any would-be transcribers would also get a link to the log-in page. Whoever wanted to kick off a transcript could post something like this using the shared account:
Lesson Title: Blah Date: Blah Lesson ID:Blah
00:00 **********************************************************
02: 34 **********************************************************
Dialog #1
04: 21 **********************************************************
10: 00 **********************************************************
15: 00 **********************************************************
19: 55 **********************************************************
Dialog # 2
21: 42 **********************************************************
23.01 END
This represents a template of a lesson broken down as near as possible into five minutes slots. Anyone interested in translating one of the slots would log in using the same forum account and put their name in the slot in question to reserve the space. This would avoid people duplicating their efforts. When they have their chunk of the translation done they could paste it over where their name is.
Subsequent users who can fill in a gap (e.g. where the first poster has left pinyin because they aren’t sure what the characters were), or who want to suggest an alternative transcription, could post directly underneath the orginal in a different colour etc.
There is some small chance your session might unexpectedly end because someone else has logged in, but if the account is only used to make these kind of changes and the person making them then promptly logs out, the risk should be quite small (especially considering how CPod users are dispersed across the world’s time zones).
We could of course also use our regular CPod log-ins to leave more general comments underneath, but the transcription would always remain at the top of the thread where it is most useful to other users.
This is just an idea for a “fast and dirty” way to set it up without using any external resources, there might be some technical limitations I haven’t taken into account. For example I am assuming a thread or section of the forum can be configured to continue to allow editing of posts indefinitely without this affecting the general policy for the rest of the forum. This might not be the case.