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Chat with a Chinese Native?

Hi ChinesePod team, my question is this: Are there any chat rooms or forum groups where I/we can chat one on one with a Chinese Native so that I/we may expose and immerse ourselves fully in the language; perhaps get a feel for the culture? Practicing is nice…but may not be enough if we cannot use the language in the setting we are learning. Chatrooms, forum rooms dedicated to all levels learning Chinese?

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Hi there,

I think that’s a great idea. Using the language is always the best way to learn a language. But to make this come true on ChinesePod, you might need to leave your thoughts on the following link:


I think this is very important to me as well.
Is there any ongoing effort for that query? Or I also need to give a feedback?

I think Betty interpreted the question as a suggestion for ChinesePod to add to their service, whereas my reading is that it is a general question about available resources anywhere. This area of the forum (“I have a question” is for community responses (though Betty’s thoughtful comments as a moderator are always great). Of course, the question was prefaced with “Hi, ChinesePod Team . . .”

Anyway, there are lots of resources out there for chatting with native speakers. such as teachers on WeChat, paid services from iTalki, or competitors such as Verbling.

ChinesePod used to offer on-line tutors as well, but dropped that some time ago without explanation or notice, so I assume they are unlikely to bring it back.

Totally agree with Betty that the way to learn to speak Chinese is to speak Chinese! Good luck!

Hi all ( @mrodonald0 @livephilips12 @podster ),

Actually, during these months we have been preparing our online teaching, and now, finally, it’s ready. Here is the link for booking online tutor. If you want to interact with a native speaker, if you have any questions about Chinese, if you want to learn more from a Chinese teacher, check this out!



There’s a free app called Hello Talk which provides exactly what you’re looking for