English has scrabble and crossword puzzles and and a whole genre of word games for your phone. Does Chinese have any similar games using characters?
The only word game I can think of is this one that involves 對聯 , I forgot what it’s called , I think those characters have more to do with the couplets on people’s doors. But anyways, so the game involves someone saying half of a couplet and the other people try to find some characters that would match. This game requires a extremely high level of character knowledge and tones though, definitely much more difficult than scrabble and not suitable for anyone less than advanced level. Only word game I can think of at the moment.
Ok so I looked in the App Store and there are some scrabbleish type games. If you search 填字遊戲 you find a bunch pop up. I downloaded a few and they are extremely hard. One had a hint that had something to do with a k pop singer. Way beyond me.
I don’t even know who the 12th appointed South African president is in English lmao
I think Chinese crossword puzzles would be fun, though it’d have to exclude proper names for me to have any hope. Probably chengyu as well. Not sure what that leaves
Hahaha! Yeah… we’ll have to improve our Chinese dramatically to figure those puzzles out.