I’d love to get some insights on how people use ChinesePod so i’ve created some simple polls to get user feedback. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you like. If you have any feedback then just reply to this thread, quoting the particular poll (highlight the text and click quote).
Thank you
##How Do You Study ChinesePod?
- Website
- Android
- iOS
- RSS feed (apple podcast app etc)
0 voters
##How Long Have you been studying Chinese?
- <6 months
- 6-12 months
- 1-3 years
- 3-7 years
- 7+ years
0 voters
##Do you use Android or iOS
- iOS
- Android
- Windows phone
0 voters
##What level do you consider yourself?
- Newbie (A0-A1)
- Elementary (A1)
- Pre-Intermediate (A2)
- Intermediate (B1)
- Upper-Intermediate (B2)
- Advanced (C1)
- Native (C2)
0 voters
##What type of learner are you?
- Auditory (you learn by just hearing)
- Visual (learn by watching video, graphics, pictures, graphs)
- Kinesthetics (you learn by touch and hands-on activities)
0 voters
##When do you most often study?
- In the morning
- At lunch time
- Before bed
- Whenever
0 voters
##Favourite SRS flashcard programme
- Anki
- Skritter
- Pleco
0 voters
##Do you use the vocabulary review audio mp3 to study ChinesePod
- Yes
- No
- What is it?
0 voters
##Have you ever used the homework feature to submit your work?
- Yes
- No
- What is it?
0 voters