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ChinesePod Today Is All About The News!


Have you checked out our new lesson series called ChinesePod Today?

This is a wonderful series published every Monday to Friday to help advanced/upper intermediate students learn formal rhetoric and to advance their vocabulary use.
Learn Chinese and keep up with current events on our channel!

I would love to hear what your thoughts are too, so please comment and subscribe! :blush:
祝大家 學習愉快!


FB Page: Alice ChinesePod
YouTube: ChinesePod Today-Trad. Char.

Hi Alice, 您好
If I may suggest; It would be nice to have news for all levels and in both simplified and traditional characters and of course published on
Maybe you can cooperate with The Chairman’s Bao ( they’re very experienced in combining news and lessons.

Hi Robert,

Thank for the feedback and suggestion! In fact we publish in simplified and traditional characters, which can easily be switched at
The lesson series is fairly new so thank you for sharing your thoughts!


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