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Choose your level - Upper Intermediate


I’m upper intermediate (and have been for a long time)…I get through them at a good pace with about ~5 words new per lesson.

I chose my level in the side menu, looks like a new item, and I’m discouraged not knowing this: 见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也 !!

I know 見賢思齊, but honestly what’s the rest of it mean? Can’t grasp it…lol. 内自省也? Pleco doesn’t have any of that. 謝謝大家的幫助!

That appears to be 文言文 (ancient/literary Chinese). You can tell when there is a “也“ at the end of a sentence, which (if I remember correctly) is used at the end of “this is that” kind of sentences. I think what it means is 见不贤=(take) reading and not understanding – 而 as – 内自省 self criticism – 也 (particle meaning ”to be”). So maybe something like “use what you don’t know to improve yourself”…but my 文言文 is kind of crappy, so take what I say with a grain of salt

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