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Correct pronunciation of Q-, J- and T- in pinyin

Maybe it is not so useful for most experienced learners here,
but please explain the exact difference in pronunciation
between (4ex.) tian1, qian1, jian1 of any other similar examples.


(ps : I didnt found such explanation in pronunciation lessons)

as you can see,tian, qian,jian, they are the same in “ian”,so “ian” is a combination,read them together.
t+ian=tian ( the pronouncation of “t”, just like english letter"t")
q+ian=qian (the pronouncation of “q” , raised your tongue, aspirated, just like Chinese character"欺“)
j+ian=jian (the pronouncation of “j” , raised your tongue, not aspirated, just like Chinese character"鸡“)
hope that can help you.