Suggested Difficulty (Elementary etc): Intermediate
Video or Audio: I think video is always better!
Lesson Idea: Hi @Constance_Fang and Team,
I actually have two ideas. My first idea, I outlined in the Topic. I have a hard time understanding when to use the different verbs that all seem to translate to “do” in different situations. There are so many and I never seem to know which one is best to use! Also, I think it is hard to listen for those verbs because there are so many. I think learning which contexts and situations they are used in would help my listening comprehension and also help me more accurately choose my verbs when I speak.
Second idea: I am an intermediate student, on the cusp of moving to advanced. I basically have a good handle on most intermediate language, but still get lost from time to time. Anyway, one word that has always haunted me (I don’t know if this is common) is 就。I learned this word probably in the first year of my Chinese learning, but, since then, I have seen it in countless contexts-- and it seems to mean something different every time I come across it. I know that it sometimes means ‘just’ or ‘only’ but there are so many other uses and I can never tell what it means!
Any help on either of these topics would be so greatly appreciated. To be honest, I think I would rather know about 就 since I think that would be more useful. Anyway, if you think either of my ideas are lesson-worthy, it would be greatly appreciated, and I would love to learn more! You guys are the best! Hopefully I’ll come by the studio and see you guys when I move to HK.