We apologize for this, and unfortunately we have had many, many problems with getting the iOS app working on the app store. We are still working on getting one approved.
In the meantime, there are still several ways you can study ChinesePod, such as using your premium RSS feed and listening to the lessons that get updated daily on the apple podcast app or any other RSS feed reader. Alternatively you can use the mobile website, or study on the website at home and enjoy all the recent videos such as the Say it Right series, which is a web-only video course.
ChinesePod comes with multiple services aside from access to the app, but if you would rather forego using our services because of this, please write to our customer support staff at support@chinesepod.com for a refund and explain that it is because of the app and i’m sure they are willing to help you out.
In the meantime, we will keep you updated of any updates regarding the iOS app on the forum.
Apologies once again and kind regards