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Family / humour / passive tense / after afterwards / Taiwan

Suggested Difficulty (Elementary etc): ____
Video or Audio: ____
Lesson Idea: Hi @Constance_Fang and Team,

Suggested Difficulty (Elementary etc): ____
Video or Audio: ____
Lesson Idea: Hi @Constance_Fang and Team,


Some ideas / clarifications if they don’t already exist. I’m an elementary / intermediate self taught learner.

  • how to use passive tense (beidongshi)

-how to introduce your family e.g. when it includes step siblings, half siblings and unmarried partners and non-hetero partners (my Taiwanese housemates find this very confusing!)

-the differences between the various words for “after / afterwards” e.g. Houlai, zhihou, yihou

-how to talk about humour e.g. “Just joking” and sarcasm. I appreaciate humour can be quite different around the world.

-some commonly used informal vocabulary differences between Mandarin in Taiwan and in China.

Thank you

Thanks for the message.

Here are some lessons I found from the library:

Here is an intermediate lesson which contains the grammr bei

I’ll show this to @Constance_Fang. Maybe it’s worth a video.

In the meantime here are some links:

Comparing “yihou” and “houlai”


Comparing “yihou” and “zhihou”

We’ve got lots of ChinesePod lessons about Jokes, but not many about talking about humour. I’ll keep looking.

Hope some of these lessons help you out :slight_smile:

Xiexie Gwilym, that’s tidy!