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How is bookmark supposed to work?

Hello everyone, how is bookmark supposed to work on the desktop version of the site?

I’m browsing courses and then adding the bookmark, but nothing seems to happen.
I’m expected to see them appear on this page:

And then I can use the RSS associated specifically with that course or I can use the RSS of all my courses to get the content.

But basically when I bookmark a course, it doesn’t seem to make any difference to any other page or RSS feed. Not sure if this is a bug or I’m simply not doing something right. Can anyone help?

I’m noticing the same thing, it would be good if the lesson image was overlayed with a simple bookmark image.

At the moment I’m just booking marking the current lessons I’m doing so that i can use the search function to find them easily and mark them as studied.

It would be good if you could filter by not studied as well.

Yeah or to put this question another way, how can I get a lesson to appear in my Course List RSS feed?