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Meaning of 零零总总 ?

Hi guys,

can anyone help me with the meaning of 零零总总?

I came across it in this sentence(s):


A little help with the overall translation is welcome as well. :slight_smile:
Especially the clause beginning with 加人… Thank you!

May be it should be 林林总总 which means in great abundance instead of 零零总总.

No, it’s certainly 零零总总. I wonder if it is some kind of product or brand.

林林总总: lín lín zǒng zǒng
〖解释〗林林:众多的样子;总总:众多而杂乱的样子。形容众多。 numerous; in great abundance

零零总总:应该是“林林总总”的错误写法。it should be the wrong writing of “林林总总”.

One thing to be aware of is that many people from the southern part of China have trouble distinguishing between the “n” and “ng” sounds, and so they will often say them “wrong” or even type them incorrectly. It certainly makes it hard for me to understand my friends from Wuhan at times

Alright, thanks for your answers!
I guess it might be a mistake of the author.

Nevertheless, can someone please give me a translation of the whole thing?

It should be changed to: I bought 30 lectures on the website and joined the two mutual supervision and learning groups. A lot of tutorials are also purchased.

It should be 林林总总 which means bits of pieces and also massive.

I just heard "零零散散“, is it opposite words of 林林总总?

Hi Grace,

I would say…kind of. 零零散散 means few/little and scattered.


Hi Betty, I am kind of confused now, 林林总总 means a lot, 零零散散 means few/ little, correct? if yes, they are opposite words.

Hi Grace,

These two words are not opposite like 大 and 小 because 零零散散 also has a meaning of being scattered in addition to being few. That’s why I said ‘kind of’.


Got it now, thank you so much for your time and patient!

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@gracechen7874, you reminded me of seeking clarification for 零零碎碎 :slight_smile:

I think it’ll be good to know the difference between 零零散散 and 零零碎碎. I came across this word when reading a Chinese article online. 那些 “零零碎碎” 的事每天都要花去她许多时间. What does it mean in this sentence? Thanks in advance!

Hi Jeremy,

零零碎碎 means “pieces or trivial”.
那些“零零碎碎” 的事每天都要花去她许多时间。
Those trivial things take her lots of time everyday.

If there’s any question, feel free to ask.


Thanks Betty!!! :slight_smile:

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so so many vocabularies to learn, I can learn more here, anyway :smile:

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