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Problems with bookmarked lesson RSS feed?


I have set up my RSS feed and itunes following the guides here, yet even after refreshing my feed, I get: ‘There are no episodes of ChinesePod - Self Study Lessons’ in this podcast feed. I have restarted my computer, restarted itunes, unbookmarked and rebookmarked the lessons, etc. What further steps can I take?

FYI, I am on Windows 10 with the latest version of iTunes.

Hi there,

I have heard the same problems recently. We are really sorry for inconveniencing you. Because it seems that the required logic for support has changed from the latest iTunes, the RSS feed provided from ChinesePod doesn’t work for the latest iTunes anymore. Sorry again for the inconvenience.

Should you have further questions or concerns, feel free to leave your feedback here or in the following link


Betty & ChinesePod team

Betty, thanks for the explanation. Is anyone working to fix this? Does the RSS feed work on other podcast software? Or has ChinesePod quietly made a decision to get out of the podcasting business? Writing to the feedback site you provided does not result in any reply. For a company built on podcasting, (hence the name ChinesePOD) I should have thought this was “kind of a big deal.”

I don’t even see a place for the RSS feed on the new CPod dashboard. However the iOS podcast player seems to be still working using the CPod RSS feed from the old dashboard.

Hi Podster,

So far, I am only informed that there might be some problem with the latest iTunes, so it might still work on other software. And because we are still figuring out how to fix it, before that, we might not offer the RSS feed on the new dashboard. Sorry for the inconvenience. We will try our best to deal with the problem.
