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The correct tone of "果实累累“

I recently learned a new vocabulary,"果实累累“guǒ shí léi léi, but I heard the host read 累累 with fourth tone, so I am so confused which one is correct? hope there is someone can help, thanks.

Hi Grace,

You’re right, the correct pronunciation should be [guǒ shí léi léi], but in colloquial speeches, you would sometimes hear it pronounced as [lěi lěi] as well, with the first [lěi] changed to the second tone.


May I know what the meaning of “果实累累”? I only heard “伤痕累累” before in a movie.
Can someone please to explain to me? Thanks

Hi Eddie,

The literal meaning of 果实累累 [guǒ shí léi léi] is that there are a lot of seeds. Actually, the complicated term here is 累累. Originally, this character alone means “tired”, but repeated in 累累 turns the meaning into “numerous“ or “countless”. We can add this to different nouns to emphasize the amount. For example,

  • 罪行累累 [zuì xíng léi léi] - countless criminal records
    伤痕累累 [shāng hén léi léi] - countless wounds
