Hi Jeremy,
Let’s take a look at their meanings before comparing them.
做 Verb.
(1) to make: 做衣服 [zuò yīfu] make clothing
(2) to do: 做事 [zuòshì] do things
(3) to celebrate: 做生日 [zuò shēngrì] celebrate the birthday
(4) to be; to become: 做官 [zuò guān] become an official
(5) to pretend: 做鬼脸 [zuò guǐliǎn] make faces
作 Noun.
(1) business: 工作 [gōngzuò] work
(2) artwork (poem, article, painting, etc.): 著作 [zhù zuò] book
作 Verb.
(1) to rise: 振作 [zhènzuò] cheer up
(2) to bring up: 天作之合 [tiānzuòzhīhé] a match made in heaven
(3) to compose: 作画 [zuòhuà] paint
(4) to proceed: 作简报 [zuòjiǎnbào] do a presentation
(5) as: 作为 [zuòwéi] as
(6) to pretend: 装模作样 [zhuāng mú zuò yàng] attitudinize
(7) to be; to become (=做): 作官 [zuò guān] become an official
(8) to make (=做): 为他人作嫁衣 [wèi tārén zuò jià yī]
As you can see, when it comes to the meaning “to do; to proceed”, “to be” or “to make”, 做 and 作 are interchangeable. Now let’s see the difference between them.
Difference in Meanings
做:It’s used with concrete nouns such as work or things. For example, 做账 [zuò zhàng] to make financial records of a business
作:It’s used with abstract nouns. For example, 作安排 [zuò ānpái] make arrangements
Difference in Usages
做:It’s mostly used in colloquial words. For example, 做梦 [zuòmèng] to dream
作:It’s mostly used in written language. For example, 作別 [zuò bié] farewell
Difference in Actions
做:The actions with 做 are more concrete. For example, 做菜 [zuò cài] to cook
作:The actions with 作 are more abstract. For example, 作弊 [zuòbì] to cheat
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