Hi @YuQinCai, @Constance_Fang @Fiona and the ChinesePod team, my question is this:
I’ve just watched the above Pronunciation Lesson of the Say It Right Series and I found it very interesting, however, these tips, tricks and techniques aren’t observable or easily noticed in locals in the flow of a real time conversation when you have no or much time to think or even prepare your mouth/tongue/lips to pronounce your letters/words/sentences properly.
There’s also for me a lack of confidence that kicks in because sometimes there are too many things to focus on; if I am conducting a business or dealing with an important matter with a local like say for example shopping or on a bus or speaking with people, I am always conscious not to take up too much of their time or hold up people in any form or line or hinder any kind of progress to services; especially if the person cannot understand you.
How do you apply all these skills and methods of poper pronunciation amidst these kinds of circumstances in real interaction/conversation and situations?
(Also just to add-that preparing the lips before saying the letters slows down the flow of speaking and what I have observed and experience is that when you speak slowly more often people do not understand you (me)).