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Usability: behavioural issues

Dear ChinesePod

I’ve just started using ChinesePod and what I realised was that there are some really annoying behavioural issues.

  • Filters are not being saved, well they are somehow saved but not displayed correctly. I.e. when I change my filters in the dashboard and click on a video and return back. The filters are still applied, however the filteroptions are just blank. So I can’t see which filters are selected.

  • Also I feel like the filters should go into the local storage, like that when I exit the website and revisit it again I stil have the same filters. I.e. when I always wanne see the non-studied newbie video lessons. Than I don’t have to select them again and again. If you put the filters in the local storage you will also solve the filter option display bug.

  • The back button in the lessons will jump from the different tabs (comments, dialogue, vocabulary, …) back and forth. The back button should be used to change between sites. This is quite irritating.

This is just my opinion on how to improve usability of this website. I don’t know about others :man_shrugging:

Anyway thanks for the great lessons.