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Usage difference between 都 and 均?

Usually I see 都 used to mean “all without exception” but sometimes I see 均 used to convey the same meaning. Any usage tips or are they completely interchangeable and it simply comes down to style?


When we use 均 to express ‘all without exception’ as an adverb, it’s almost the same as 都. The only difference is that 均 used in a formal setting and usually appear in the written text.

所有工作均已完成。 = 所有工作都已完成。 ( the first one sounds really formal )
All the tasks have been completed.

各人均十分欢喜 (very very formal) = 大家都很高兴 (informal)。
Everyone is very happy.

Actually, the main usage/meaning of 均 is to express ‘average’ or ‘redistribute’.

We cannot equally distribute these items.

The average temperature today is 20 degrees.

You need to eat both fruit and vegetables. Only then can you have balanced nutrition.

We should create a society that distributes wealth evenly/equally.

Hope you find this useful. :slightly_smiling:


Super clear, super fast and super useful response, Constance. 多谢!