I have had difficulty grasping a specific grammar point. You can obviously insert 一 into verb phrases (or just phrases) producing different effects. 看一看, 擦一擦, etc. And of course there is 一…就… which is not too difficult.
But I am wondering about other structures, related to 打了我一拳, 看了他一眼, 踢了他一腳, or without the direct/indirect object split, like 叫一聲. These listed just now all have in common the fact thay that they are a verb + “一” (with an optional object) + noun. I feel like I have figured these out, but then their basic structure can alter to something like the following examples (the following are from “To Live” and I have provided context, most from the gambling scene from the beginning of the book, in 简体字)
使勁一擲 and 喊了一聲 (context:轮到龙二时,龙二将那颗骰子放在七点上,这小子伸出手掌使劲一拍,喊了一声 “七点。”)
抓起一擲 and 這麼一拍 (context: 那颗骰子里面挖空了灌了水银,龙二这么一拍 ,水银往下沉,抓起一掷,一头重了滚几下就会停在七点上)
往盤子里一扔 and 掷出去一看 (context: 龙二偷偷换了一付骰子,换上来的那付骰子龙二做了手脚, 我一点都没察觉,擦完脸我把毛巾往盘子里一扔,拿起骰子拼命摇了三下,掷出去一看,还好,点数还挺大的)
雙手一推 (context: 双手一推,他就跌坐到墙角里去了)
往location一靠 (context: 家珍的脑袋往我肩膀上一靠; I have also seen 往後一靠, meaning “Leaned back”)
These right here are different, they are roughly verb + “一” + verb. They all refer to bodily motion, usually rapid and casual motion. I can understand them when reading, but I feel like I should be able to produce them, because they communicate some very subtle meaning.
So what verbs can get an “一” in front of them and in what situations?
Thank you