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Video lessons not available anywhere

Is it just me or all videos are no longer available on Chinesepod?
I tried several different lessons, but none are available.



I am also unable to access video lessons. I only see the audio versions of these lessons.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s related, but I recall that last week (I believe on Friday) the site was down for a while for ā€œscheduled maintenanceā€. Then this morning, I wasnā€™t able to log in at all for about an hour.


I have noticed this too. I also noticed that on the download tab of the lesson they used to have the ability to download the video of the lesson but around a week into my starting up a subscription a couple of months ago, that was removed.

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I just tried again and now I can see videos again. Anyone else still unable to access?


I am seeing videos again, probably just a hiccup with where they were hosted. It happens.

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Anyone else lose access to the video lessons again? I noticed this along with problems logging in today.

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I checked just now and they seem fineā€¦ maybe temporary glitch? I get a number of those usually related to login stuff (Login Page -> Dashboard with ā€˜Retrieving Lessonsā€™ -> Bumped Out to Login Page -> Rinse Repeat). My issues correct themselves in an hour to a few hours.

Video on sites are not usually hosted on the same web server but are pulled from another one either nearby or elsewhere. This helps with load issues, if 100 people are watching videos on a smaller site it wonā€™t stop people who are just logging in to get messages sort of thing. So the site might be fine, but someone has to wake up the video server that gets stuck on some issue.

The video player isnā€™t working in Chrome anymore. It works if you switch to another browser or use an older version of Chrome.


This would seem to be an issue of a change to how Chrome handles the code for displaying video that other browsers donā€™t seem to have a problem with. Now I donā€™t know how the code of displaying videos here is ā€˜nonstandardā€™ that Chrome doesnā€™t seem to like but other browsers seem to be fine withā€¦ my suggestion would be to use these other browsers for the time being. Almost certainly if videos here at ChinesePod are broken with Chrome, this wonā€™t be the only place it happens, and bug reports will be filed and the Chrome team will likely fix it fairly soon.

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Chrome recently changed its Cross Origin Resource Sharing policy. Some changes will need to be made on ChinesePod server in order for videos to play normally again. Itā€™s a quick thing to fix, but Iā€™m not so sure theyā€™re actively maintaining the app anymore, so I donā€™t know if/when we can expect it to happen.


Actually there has been some updates here on the site. Very minor changes admittedly like changing bits of the dashboard, and the template of each lesson. But thereā€™s stuff happening. Nothing particularly substantial, but the fix for playing videos while using Chrome is possibly being done as we speak or shortly. Not that I can say for sure, just that there have been some minor changes here and there and if this too is a minor change. could be it will be done as well. A majority of internet users browse with Chrome, so chances are it will. I use FireFox myself which is why I didnā€™t run afoul of the bug.

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