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Vocabulary buggs during export

Hi all!
When I’m exporting the vocabulary in .txt for Anki, I have some trouble like this one:

恐怖分子 terrorist k& #466;ngbù f ènzǐ
注意 to pay attention zh & 249;y &# 236;
搞错 to be mistaken g&# 462;o cu&# 242;
恐怖主义 terrorism kǒngb&# 249;zhǔy&# 236;
搞恐怖活动 to commit terrorist acts g&# 462;o k&# 466;ngbù hu&# 243;dòng
知识分子 intellectual zh&#2 99;shi f&# 232;nz&# 464;

It seems it’s coming for everywords with a problem, from the same lesson : Terrorized at the airport.
To solve the problem, I just went to my vocabulary list, click on the word in pinyin as if I want to change it, and then just click on OK, without any change. And it seems ok now :slight_smile:

note : I shoud add a space between the # and the number otherwise we can’t saw the problem that I had
as nz&#[space]464