At 17:45 Yesterday, our server experienced a crash resulting in outages across our website and apps.
We currently have our developers working around the clock trying to get things back up and running to resume normal service as soon as possible.
We are deeply sorry if this has impacted your studies in any way.
You can keep up to date on this issue here forum thread.
UPDATE: 22nd June NOON
The main website should be working but there are likely some issues with the following
- load times
- profile pictures
- playlist artwork
- Exercises not loading IN PROGRESS
- pinyin not showing tone markers FIXED
- random strings of code FIXED
- Should be working as normal (at slower speed initially)
- No playlist artwork
Update: 9AM 23rd June:
Most of everything on the LiveSite is back in operation now, though it is VERY slow.
The reason for this that the database server is in Asia, while the app server is now in New York.
So any request literally requires an “around the world hop”. Once things are working again, we will have a scheduled downtime and migrate the database over to improve speed.
Things that are confirmed not to be working as of today:
In the meantime, here are the latest video lessons you can study/revise:slight_smile:
Upper-Intermediate (Qing Wen):