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Wechat Groups Discussion

Hi all,

I was watching SerpentZA and C-Milks vlog about WeChat (YouTube link, sorrysto those without access to YouTube)

It contained a lot of great info on wechat features that i didn’t know about such as large wechat groups for specific interest groups. Just wondering if any of you who use WeChat have encountered some interesting groups worth sharing. It seems that they can only be shared by people in the group already, I haven’t been able to search for them.

TLDR: Know of a cool wechat group? Please share!


I’m in the very beginning stages of searching out Mandarin-speaking communities online, so I don’t know of any groups yet. But I’m interested in hearing what other people have to say.

To be honest, I had kind of written WeChat off as a viable community for me, since only about 5 people in my current social network use it, and it doesn’t seem to be a great tool for meeting new people (at least from where I am in LA). I just downloaded Weibo onto my phone this morning, which does seem to be better in this regard.


I think that because it’s so difficult to find and join groups it isn’t the best forum for group interest and discussion but since it’s so popular in China i thought it is worth checking out.

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Yea, it would be great if WeChat made these kind of groups more accessible, but that’s a big ask from a company in mainland China right now. The CCP isn’t exactly super dedicated to promoting freedom of assembly. I think WeChat is actually going out on a limb with this functionality already.


Really cool video. Interesting to video cast from their bikes :slight_smile:

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Yea, they each have their own channels with lots of interesting content about life in China. They also have this adventure China channel that they both run where they ride around China on motorcycle and discussion various topics on the differences between and the West. I watch all their channels and highly recommend them to anyone who thinks they might be interested.

Hi, if anyone wants to make a wechat group for intermediate / elementary level. I’m up for it. My wechat ID is lucinda104

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I kind of find it irritating and silly that they talk about things while riding motorcycles.

That being said, wechat is a great app and and an indispensable part of social life in China for Chinese and most foreigners. It’s hard to get into wechat groups if you don’t know people in China because you have to be invited/added by those already in the group. Chinese pod groups on wechat for people of different levels could be interesting though.

Im sure we could use the forum for lots of discussion but can create a wechat group for fellow CPod users as well if people are interested. If so please add post your wechat ID and I can add you. Or just add me, mine is MatthewTeasdale

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Are you guys thinking this would be a practicing Chinese group or a sharing tips and experiences group? I guess I’d be down for either. ID: petersamet

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We could use the group for either. Misty104 created a group so i sent you an invite for that @psamet

Add me !!! Nathan-fr

It’s a great idea this group!
To make the CPod more active ! I like it

But with some colleague French expatriate in China, I heard that if the group is more than 100 people or something like that, we must have a verified account… That mean to register a credit card… Thant mean to have Union pay credit card…

I’ll take an add - W18519787357. Also my number here. :slight_smile: And if it does get up to 100 - we’ll just add my spouse, who has a UnionPay card, and get it verified. :wink: Or you do what most big WeChat groups do, which is a sound-off for who wants to stay. No response from someone within (24/48/72 hours, or whatever), they are removed from the group.

Added new people to the group

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How do I remove myself from a WeChat group?
Open the WeChat app on your Android. The WeChat icon looks like two white speech balloons in a green box on your Apps menu.
Tap the WeChat tab.
Tap the name of the group you want to leave.
Tap the two figureheads icon. .
Scroll down and tap Delete and Leave.
Tap Quit Group in the pop-up.

Hello everyone,

I know about some pretty interesting Wechat groups they use in China, to give you examples:

  • Finance/investment groups: people learn how to read graphs, terminology, exchange lucrative opportunities and even invest together
  • cooking groups: people share recipes, meet for cooking ect.
  • sales groups: people promote each others shops, products and services, offer (group) discounts and support each other

These are just a few of the ways I know of, does anyone know others? I think this way of using social media is so interesting, since I am only used to ads on Facebook, Youtube and Insta, which are much less personal in my opinion.

Thanks, for sharing it’s helpful.