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Zai nar -- location

Hi @YuQinCai, @Constance_Fang @Fiona and the ChinesePod team, my question is this:


what is the correct translation for :slight_smile:slight_smile:
ta zai nar zuo zhe ?

He is sitting over there ?
He is sitting here ?

BR !

Hi BR, based on your pinyin which are without tones, we can come up with two different sentences

ta zai nar zuo zhe ?

1./ 他/她 在那儿 (nar in 4th tone) 坐着? He/She is sitting over there?

2./ 他/她 在哪儿 (nar in 3rd tone) 坐着? Where is he/she sitting?

Where did you come across with this sentence? Or maybe you are trying to make a sentence with nar?

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HI !

It comes to the 4th tone with zhe at the end of the sentence.

But for me, it is not OVER there, in this case how would you translate HERE He is sitting here ?
It is also zai nar (4TH tone) ?

I would say here and over there are the opposite from a localization point of view !


Hi BR,

Let me try to see it from your angle, if you wanted to say He is sitting over there? You will say, "ta zai nar(4) zuo zhe?

Now, if you wanted to say, “He is sitting here?” You will say, “ta zai zher (4th tone) zuo zhe?” When you say this, I am imagining that you want to express the disbelief (or a questioning) that this person is sitting right here?

If you could tell me more about the dialogues, that is how this sentence comes up, even with some English, we can work this out together.

correct !

I would verify the translation (that is not zher but zai nar) for “here” my book has lots of mistakes… thank you !

Which book is it? Maybe we can take a look at it too.


Since this is a question, the translation is 他/她在哪坐着? If this is an affirmative sentence, the translation would be 他/她在那儿坐着。Hope this makes sense to you.