Hey what’s up guys. I’ve been using Chinese pod for a little over a month now and so far it’s been great. I’ve been trying to get into Upper Intermediate lessons and in order to do this I constantly find myself going between dialogue and scrolling up to pause the lesson. Whenever I do this I lose my place in the dialogue and it takes a little while to find myself back. Even though this is only like ~10 seconds I waste trying to find myself back in the dialogue when I do this many times in one lesson that time wasted trying to go between the dialogue and the player buttons adds up to a significant amount. Is there any button I can press to automatically pause the player / rewind 5 second without having to scroll up. This would make studying lessons much more convenient and efficient.
Maybe not the most elegant solution, and not exactly what you asked for, but you can try this in Chrome:
- Right mouse-click the audio dialog link located on the left hand side of the web page and select “open link in a new window”. On my computer at least this is a new window with an audio player in the middle of a black background.
- Minimize the new page and use your mouse to shrink it down the smallest size where the player control is still visible. You should now see most of the page you were just on, the lesson page. Now you can scroll down the dialog and the audio player should remain pinned in place so that you can still see it and pause it without scrolling away from the part you are reading.
I am using Windows 10 and the most current version of Chrome.
Hope this helps. You should probably write to CPod directly as I am pretty sure the webmaster does not monitor the forum.
Not the first time this topic came up, and supposedly the developers have had it mentioned to them.
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