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Lesson Exercises from within the iOS APP

Is it possible to do the lesson exercises from within the iOS APP?

I’m working my way through a few exercises each day in the Intermediate level using ios11 on an iPad Pro. I have the ChinesePod APP, but haven’t been able to figure out how to do the exercises from within it, so I do them all via the Google Chrome browser.

Is it possible to do them from within the APP itself?

According to the description in the app store, the current version, 0.9.5, will “Support Practice Tab.” However, if you read the other comments on the iOS app here in the forum it seems that it might or might not work.

I don’t see an exercise, study, or practice-test tab at the top.

Am I missing something?

On the web site there is tab after Grammar called Exercises but it is not showing up in the app. I tried this lesson on the current version of the app (0.9.5) and got the same result as you. Its a bit unclear what CPod means by a “practice tab” since that does not seem to exist. Are they referring to the Expansion or the Exercises? I don’t know. I seem to remember this issue being addressed previously, but there are now multiple threads about the app so I’m not sure where to look. I think the answer is probably that the exercise function has not yet been built into the app.

Update: okay, I found it, in a comment by Gwilym elsewhere in the forum.: “Sadly the exercises have never been a feature of the apps. They prove quite difficult to implement, having been built on quite old code. Currently, we’re working on getting courses/playlists added as well as some simple way to save vocabulary and review flashcards.”

So no, you are not missing anything. The app does not include the exercises.

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Short answer is “no.” The app does not include the exercises. Sorry for muddying the issue in my earlier comments.

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