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New iOS app submitted to Apple and awaiting approval

We have submitted version 1 of our all new iOS to Apple and are just waiting approval before you guys can download it from the App store.

The approval process is hard to guess so could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s released.

Test the app by filling out this form and download TestFlight from the App store. You should receive and invite within 48h.

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Looking forward to this update, Gwilym. At a glance at the screenshots, it looks really good. And less beige than the old one…

谢谢!希望以后能够用新的"app". :grinning:

It’s quiet long to get he update…

The app failed the first submission (This is very common) and we have made the suggested changes and re-submitted it.

iTunes are famous for taking quite long to do this (the Android app was submitted and approved within a few hours for reference).

We are waiting to see what happens, and should hear good news (fingers crossed) in the next few days.

Thanks for your patience. We are just as excited as you guys to get a new app out.

Han too bad… :frowning:
Let’s wait and kill iTunes so :stuck_out_tongue:

The app failed the second submission because Apple is enforcing their In-App Purchasing function.

While we work on fixing this, any users that really can’t use the current app, or have exhausted the options set out in this help article can request to join the beta testing programme so that you can download the beta app.

Please check out the help article for further instruction.

I’m interesting by trying the new version but I can’t access to the Google doc link which is in the “help article” …

How to do?

Please try again @leurne, we’ve fixed it now.

Thank for the quick answer!

Hi, just curious if the app on my iPhone should sync with the app on my computer? I studied a couple of lessons on the phone, but they are not showing up on my computer. Peculiar since it all appears to have been online.

@386475713 If you mark a lesson as bookmarked or studied on either the app or the website, the lessons will show up on both platforms. See the pictures below. If you’re still having issues, maybe upload some screenshots or further info.

Pretty excited for this update!

if you want an early chance to use it, just fill out this form:

I can’'t find the vocabulary option on the new App. Will it be included in the release version?

Any update for the app?

Hi Leurne, until the app is approved you can fill out the following forum to request access to the beta app.

Request form

Hi Leurne, Matt is correct, if you just fill out that form I can add you to the pre-release. The iOS app is taking longer than expected and each time we submit a tweak to get it approved, iTunes usually takes about 2 weeks to get back to us. In the meantime, the best thing to do is fill out that form and I will add you manually. Thanks.

iOS Beta Feedback

Hi All - I appreciate the opportunity to beta test the new app. I wanted to give my feedback here to help for future development.

  • The aesthetic of the app is vastly improved - I really like that.
  • the side menu is also much nicer than before

Aside from these improvements, I’ve noticed that there are many features that are either missing or I cannot find:

  • No way to view courses
  • No way to save vocabulary words
  • Sentences cannot be “broken down” and individual words cannot be saved. This is a crucial feature - being able to bookmark and later review specific words is very important.
  • No way to view all downloaded/bookmarked content at once. Rather, it must be viewed by level. (Not a big deal, but it makes sense to have a tab of bookmarked or downloaded lessons)
  • Cannot do a flash card review of vocabulary words, a really helpful feature.
  • When reviewing dialog from a lesson, all line translations must be revealed at once, rather than being able to do so line by line. This exposes pinyin/translations of lines that you may not have read yet and forces you to scroll up and down constantly to touch the eye-icon.
  • Audio can no longer be looped.

Thanks again for an opportunity to beta test the app and let me know if I’ve missed anything regarding these features.

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Totally agree with the idea in the previews message.
I would like to add few more :

  • no download manager (should wait to finish one download before to start another one)
  • no access of the exercice (that was a features that I really hope to see)

I have some bug also with the lesson which is download. They appear download but when I tried to listen it, I can’t. I get a message that there is no audio lesson… Some few bugs like that.

otherwise great job!!

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