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Using Flashcards?

PS: There is also a plus sign for the entire sentence to the right of each sentence under the dialogue tab. You can now add sentences as well as individual words to your flash cards.

Hey podster!

Yeah, so currently there are a few things you can ‘collect’ for your vocab - some old, some new.

  • An entire sentence from the Dialogue, Expansion, or Grammar tab.
  • A phrase from a sentence from the Dialogue, Expansion, or Grammar tab.
  • A phrase from the Vocabulary section.
  • All phrases from the Vocabulary section at once.

We’re also currently working on ways to make our flashcards more useful - we’re rolling out support for English recordings today.

And we’re looking at the different combination options we want to add to the current Settings - including an initial audio prompt in English (similar to what currently is done in Chinese).

Also - we’re super open to any comments and suggestions to expand these features even further. :grin:

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Hi all,

Just wanted to add to this with our latest release - options to get an alternative English audio cue.

Kapture 2020-12-03 at 15.46.42

If you enable the option to read the Chinese audio cue on revealing the definition - you can use our flashcards as a full audio experience - front and back.

Hi there, I tried importing csv files with unicode encoding but the csv does not hold the format of the characters. Also if you can provide more information…it would be most helpful.

Hi! Yeah, I saw a few cases when saving vocabulary to CSV on a Windows machine. Can you paste an example of what it looks like if you open the CSV file in a text editor?

FYI if anyone is struggling with opening the sample CSV we posted with the Chinese characters intact, make sure you’re importing the file with UTF-8 encoding - the default Excel settings (double click on the file, for example) are not meant for non-English text.

Older article about it:

No, rozkalns…you misunderstood me.

I am referring to preparing a file in csv for importing into ChinesePod.!! I have a file in EXCEL (see image )
HSK in Excel|416x107
When I save it as csv in Unicode UTF-8, it turns out like this ( see image )
HSK in csv|367x287

Is there a way, I could print those flashcards? What program should I use?

Hi Lola,

You can export your vocabulary decks by clicking on “export” on the vocabulary page. An excel sheet with Chinese characters, translation, and pinyin will be downloaded.

If you would like to print them in the form of flashcards, you can organize your vocabulary list in other flashcard websites such as Anki ( or Quizlet (

Hope this helps!


Great! Thank you :blush:

Hello does this vocabulary trainer also show me the vocabs I knew later on again? Or does it show them only once and never again?

Hello Markus,

Yes the system would still show the vocabulary again even if you consider it as “easy”!

Let me know if you have anymore questions!

i mean you can know a word once or several times even but maybe forgot it after 3 weeks. So there is a real thought out system behind to show me the cards always after a longer time to really bring them into the long term memory right? I am asking cause I am using Pleco that has that but it would be good if I can switch completely to Chinese Pod for learning the vocabs.

i can imagine that once i added a lot of vocabulary with a deck for each lesson this dropdown would be not good because the button is at the end:

i think it should rather be at the top

Hi Markus,

Thank you for your explanation. I believe you can review the selected deck of vocabulary repeatedly with no limitation but the system doesn’t particularly select words that you studied a long time ago. In other words, each word in your vocabulary deck gets an equal chance of appearing in the flashcards. I hope this is clear. Thank you for your feedback on the button in the dropdown menu. We’ll see what we can do!

If you have any academic questions, you can reach me directly at!


so you mean the system doenst consider that i set “easy” many times for the words I learned and shows me them anyway like all other words?

Let me confirm this and get back to you!


It should do that ofc and be a flashcard trainer that makes sense. All people want that the most rather than new lessons. Ask the people if you dont believe me. They all want to use this so they do not have to export, then import at Pleco and do this all the time. We all want a one stop shop at Chinese Pod and if that vocabulary trainer has no flashcard system we do not have a one stop shop yet

I also think that it should be more clear what implications each button (Forgot, Hard, Easy) has for the further course of my review sessions. Thank you.

Hello Markus and Halifax,

I have contacted the designer of our flashcard feature, and now I have a better understanding of it. Please disregard the information I provided earlier and I’m sorry about the confusion.

The basic logic is if you click “hard” on a card, the system will not store it as “remembered”, and it will force the users to review it by showing the card frequently. In contrary, if you press “easy”, the card will show up less frequently but it never disappears.

I’ll add more information about the flashcard system here!


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